This month we made improvements to the UI, added guidance for interpreting reports, and updated the default ranks for Specific Knowledge.

A Bit of Style

An application is useless without an interface. We build our applications using the latest best practices in user interface (UI) design. Even so, there are times when something makes sense to us, but not to our users. In cases such as these, there is no room to stand on ceremony. Make changes!

We made a number of improvements this month to the UI based on user feedback, including a more obvious design wizard for professional ladders and updates to the employee assessment wizard.

Guidance for Reports

Data visualization and display is essential for a good report. But sometimes you still don't know exactly what you're looking at. Additionally Basis HR has some unique reports related to the Mainspring Framework, so we've added helpful guides to each report that details things to look for and interpret.

Specific Knowledge

One area of feedback was that ranking Specific Knowledge during employee assessments was especially difficult. This is because the default ranks do not come with a description.

What is specific knowledge? Whereas skills within a professional ladder are intentionally generic, specific knowledge allows ladder designers to provide detailed skill areas for which an employee may be assessed.

For example, a ladder for Systems Administrator might defined Change Management as a skill, while specific knowledge might be for Microsoft Servers. In this way, both generic and specific criteria may be measured.


It was a good month for overall improvements to Basis HR, and no major bug fixes were required.

Next month? We expect to on-board our next client. Hurray!